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In this episode, we are joined with Anna Richards, the creator and producer of FrolicMe.com, a platform dedicated to ethical erotica and female pleasure.
The conversation explores Anna's journey in creating a groundbreaking platform that challenges traditional erotic films by prioritizing female pleasure, consensual connections, and ethical production practices.
What stands out is Anna's commitment to portraying s*x as an empowering, beautiful thing we humans do to connect, while maintaining high production values that make it feel luxurious and gorgeous to watch and ethical standards.
Anna shares her perspective on what makes her films truly ethical. She emphasizes the importance of understanding who produces the content and their values when choosing ethical adult content.
The discussion delves into how the platform serves not just women but also couples and men, fostering better communication about desires and pleasure between partners.
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Meet our guest:
Anna Richards
Anna is the creator and producer of FrolicMe.com, a platform of beautiful erotica, offering ethically produced erotic films, videos, erotic stories, audio porn, photographic galleries, and an online magazine all focused on female pleasure, healthy sexuality and wellbeing.
Anna’s desire to portray sex in a positive, socially acceptable way has led her on a unique path of creating ethical porn and erotica crafted in her own unique style – exquisite, elegant, and very, very sexy.
You can connect with Anna here:
Meet your host:
Andrea Balboni
Andrea is a certified Sex, Love and Relationships Coach at Lush Coaching.
Her mission is to help people experience as much pleasure and fulfilment in their personal intimate lives as they desire.
From finding love naturally and easily, to deepening connection and resolving conflict, to keeping passion alive over the long-term, I support individuals and couples in all phases of intimate relationships.
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Let’s continue the conversation
Erotica Reinvented: Beautiful, Ethical and Super Sexy with Anna Richards
Andrea: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Lush Love, the podcast. I'm your host, Andrea Balboni. Through conversations with special guests, we'll navigate the intensity of intimacy, the highs and lows of relationships, and the beauty and complexity of the erotic, desire and pleasure.
I'll guide you through embodiment practices and meditations in special episodes that will bring to life and make real what you learn from conversations with thought leaders, teachers, and guide of all kinds. My goal is to support you, to experience intimate relationships in the way that you desire, so that you feel nourished by deep, meaningful connection, by passion and pleasure.
I'm so [00:01:00] glad you're here with me on this journey. And if you are to rate and review this episode, if you feel the same.
I am here today with Anna Richards, who is the creator and producer of FrolicMe.com, a platform of beautiful erotica, offering ethically produced erotic films, videos, erotic stories, audio porn, photographic galleries, and an online magazine all focused on female pleasure, healthy sexuality, and well being.
Anna's desire to portray sex in a positive, socially acceptable way has led her on a unique path of creating ethical porn and erotica. crafted in her own unique style that I would describe as exquisite, elegant, and very, very sexy. [00:02:00] It is porn made by this incredible woman, woman that we get to hear from today.
For women, that is real, meaningful, and beautiful. With a more realistic approach to sex, it offers the balance between a fantasy fueled style and education that both uplifts the beauty and the pleasure of sex. I'm so excited to welcome Anna to the conversation today. Welcome, Anna.
Anna: Thank you so much. It's lovely to be here and chatting with you.
Andrea: Incredible. Um, I have loved, as I've spoken to you many times about the work that you do and the beautiful films that you produce. And also the, so there are so many other resources available on Frolic Me that are just incredible to dive into and offer a whole new world for women to explore their sexuality and pleasure, but also for the people that they [00:03:00] love.
So for men and for couples as well. And this is, I know also not necessarily the route that you would have guessed maybe your life would take, um, when you first started the company. So I would love to hear what brought you to Frolic Me and to create this incredible work that you do.
Anna: Yeah, well, absolutely.
I'll be honest, in my 30s, I certainly wouldn't have ever imagined that I would be heading up a brand such as Frolic Me. Um, and certainly not being such a name in the world of erotica. I, um, I suppose it, it wasn't in many ways, it was both a personal journey and, and also a business journey. Um, I was in my forties when I actually launched the site.
And it was one of those where I felt as a woman, what was out there for me? So when I looked around, it was, everything was all so male centric. Where was [00:04:00] the, where's the erotica? Where was the really lustful, passionate films and movies that you'd want to, you know, look at? What about the stories? What about all the fanciful imagery?
Um, where was basically the erotic sex? And that's something that I really wanted to hit home with. I wanted erotic sex, but I wanted it to be all about the female pleasure and it just did not exist. Women were just not catered for. So over the few years in my forties, I kind of explored and, and tried to gain as much as I could and garner that information.
And I realized it got to a moment in time where being a creative person anyway, um, I'd had businesses before and I just went, no, it's time. There's no point just sitting back and saying, look, I don't like what I see. There is a moment in time. It's like, well, if you don't like what you see, do something about it. So I literally put my money where my mouth was sort of [00:05:00] thing and I said, right, I'm, I'm going to go out there and I'm going to produce an erotic site for women and couples. And that's how I started back in 2015.
Andrea: Incredible. How did you envision it then, different from what you were seeing out there? How exactly was it that you felt, okay, this isn't for me. I don't see what I want to be seeing. What did you, how did you kind of come up with that vision of what you did want to see? What felt like, um, what felt right for you when you were creating this.
Anna: It, I mean, it is very much through the eyes of a woman, through myself I was looking. And I thought, you know, I'm not because I'm a woman. I'm not looking for something that's just soft because I genuinely believe that women are incredibly sexual creatures.
And we, we want to be sort of taken slightly out of our comfort zones. We want to see the full wealth of pleasure that can be garnered. So [00:06:00] it wasn't that I was trying to look for anything soft. And some people might go, oh, was it, you know, what, what was wrong? And actually a lot of what was out there, maybe some of the content, you could kind of go, well, okay, some aspects.
But the problem was it was never focused on the woman's pleasure. They just seemed to completely miss that because everything was so male centric. The whole industry to a point at that stage was always about what a man wanted to see. They were completely missing the other half. What would a woman want to see?
And I think the problem was women switched off because they couldn't envisage themselves in that scenario. It was too gratuitous. There was no, um, understanding. What, what, what was the, the content that they were seeing? There was no, no meaningful relationship somehow. Um, there was no real human connection.
We were just objectified and if you like somewhat [00:07:00] used in in these sort of images. And when I talk about it, I mean, at the time, still the most that you ever see when you come to searching for anything online, it is predominantly tube sites that you are faced with. So if you search for anything, you'll see most of it.
I mean, the most famous, of course, is Pornhub. It is a tube site. And therefore, what that does is it uploads a lot of content, um, a lot of which you're not looking for. It's basically what they were prepared to present to you. And therefore, unfortunately, pornography has taken that turn where it's become ever more gratuitous.
Um, and to a degree, seedy, it's not the sort of imagery that we want to have portrayed as much as it is. So that was always my, okay, how do I, if you like, challenge that stereotype? Because that was what was very much [00:08:00] becoming deep rooted and that, whenever you say to somebody, pornography, that is the image that they'll actually come up with first and foremost is, is what they're being presented by predominantly by all of these tube sites.
And I needed to disrupt that. And I needed to say no, sex is the most incredible human connection that we can have with any, anyone. Um, we need to actually show it at its absolute best. We need to play on the fantasy. We need to play on the connection, the consensual connection and actually show it for the, the, the amazing, um, connection and, uh, opportunity and moment and intimacy that it, that it actually offers.
So that was my challenge. Um, could I actually do that? And I, I, yeah, I bravely took on this challenge and started the site with 20 films, which I [00:09:00] thought was impressive. We have over 500 now. I mean, and we, we produce weekly. So 20 back then probably didn't seem very many, but to me it was the start of where I was setting my stall out.
We had these stories, we had the galleries, and we had the films. The audio porn came a few years later.
Andrea: So really building on, well, I guess I would ask, as you put out those 20 films, what kind of, how were they received by the world and how did you get them out there in a way that presented them differently?
Because oftentimes when people hear porn or even erotica, um, I think it's changing, but when they hear that, like you say, they are just that one, like that one vibration or that one expression of it just comes and it's like, uh, okay. Not all, you know, and for there are, like you say, there are elements of it that were important for you to [00:10:00] keep.
Um, but how did, how was it received and how did you then expand upon, I guess, what this, this foundation was?
Anna: Well, it was, it was very gently, um, released into the world and I did think, okay, this is great. Now, now I've got to drive traffic, but I very much focused on turning to the media. I very much focused on talking about, um, the erotica side of it.
And it, what was incredible is how quickly it gathered pace to the, to the point there was one occasion literally within, um, a few weeks of sort of launching and I was away somewhere and that the site went down and it was like there was just all of a sudden too many people coming to the site and and all of a sudden our I.T. had to expand and we had to really take on the knowledge of, you know, I've got to expect to have hundreds of people all on that side all at once from all around the world.
So that became a big challenge for [00:11:00] me back then. But it did very much start to sort of snowball. And, um, as I said, the media have always been incredibly kind. And actually featured the site because it was very much still an unknown. Sadly, there really are very, very few female producers and people who really genuinely do produce their own content, not just license.
There's, there's a big world out there where sites will actually license other people's films, uh, but they don't actually produce them themselves. So they haven't necessarily got the, the true ethos of, of being ethical in how they actually produce and collaborate with the models and have all the well being and consent on set. So, um, that was important, that it was something I, I needed to do.
But really, when you want to start looking for erotica, there's very, very few outlets out there [00:12:00] because there's a challenge, we are competing with big tube sites that actually do drive a lot of traffic.
Andrea: So, it's kind of getting, getting the word out. And I’m really glad to hear about the snowball effect, which is amazing.
And that the media has been friendly because you and I know that when we are looking to promote sexual well being and educational material about sex, that it can be quite, um, quite challenging. We were speaking before we hopped on about censorship and social media especially and, um, and that kind of thing.
So I am so glad that it's working, and continues to grow and that you've had great success. I know you've won awards as well for the films that you've produced that are, they're just beautiful. So I absolutely recommend anyone listening to watch, read, um, listen to [00:13:00] the content that Anna has, um, has so beautifully and considerately and, and intelligently produced. Um, yeah, it's just I can't say enough good things about it.
Anna: Thank you.
Andrea: But I did want to ask because so many people haven't even heard of ethical porn. Sometimes I'll say, oh, ethical porn, you know, consider a Frolic Me. It's a great, um, it's a great way to, to have that experience of the erotic and learn from also from these beautiful videos that you create, but they're not, they're ethical.
What does that mean? So I was wondering if you could just share a bit. How you live that value in your work.
Anna: Well, what, what it was, was it, I mean, it has become a little bit of a buzzword. So, like any marketing speak, you have to actually delve a little deeper to go, is this really ethical? Um, and I suppose if, if you try and put it in perspective of, say, fair trade, if you're buying coffee, if you're buying chocolate, if you're buying [00:14:00] something and they say it's fair trade, you instantly think, ah, it's actually about the production.
Have they been considerate to the, those involved? Um, have they been fairly paid? What's been the situation about their wellness and and um, and the concern for their well being and so on and that really is where ethical has come from It's, it's really to break down a lot of concerns and particularly I think women we, we tend to really look at those, um, terms much more than, say, I would say, our, uh, male counterparts would.
So when we look at something and we go, oh, that's been made carefully and it's been considerate and so on to those involved. Um, that was something, because I wasn't in the industry, I just didn't understand why it wasn't possible to both produce and consume erotica, porn, um, in an ethical way. [00:15:00] Because I thought, well, look, you know, it's, there's no different to producing a short film, but yes, we're going to have some sex in there, but so long as everybody's aware of what's, uh, getting, um, filmed and we, it's all very consensual.
And in fact, it's a collaborative process. So they're very much part and parcel of creating what it is that we're actually filming. Um, everybody actually has a great time on set and we create some wonderful films that others can then go on and enjoy. So it's, um, it really spans from everything to do with the production.
It also comes down to the ethos of what I'm prepared to portray as well, because I do feel I have a responsibility that what I put out into the world I need to be very aware people take that as oh, is that what you do? So I'm very, very conscious of actually being [00:16:00] very careful how I portray, what I portray, you know, using lubes, using toys in the way we do, actually showing it so people can understand, you know, you don't really do that unless you're very careful and conscious that maybe you need some lubrication.
Um, but all the way through to actually when you land on the site. You will find there's no ugly pop ups. There's no concerns about malware or anything like that. Uh, the content that is the sexual content is behind a paywall. So again, I feel, you know, I've got to have a, an ethical view that when it comes to the, the real sexual content, and it is, it's 18 plus, these are adult films.
Those bits are behind a paywall. So that, you know, I'm there trying to help protect those that shouldn't be seeing it. from just stumbling across it. Um, but when you come to the site, you can tell there's an erotic vibe about it. But the the [00:17:00] real sexual aspects you actually then join with a membership. So again, it's very transparent, that's how I make my money, it's a membership and we try and keep our fees as low as possible to allow myself to pay for everybody that's involved in the production of the films, the stories, the audio, everybody is fairly, um, paid for the jobs that they do.
Andrea: From what I'm hearing is that from the concept all the way through to creation and then production, you're looking at that, and then also promotion, you're looking at not just for the people that are involved. It is collaborative in that you're looking out for the people that are involved. Everyone is consenting adults and getting paid fairly and treated properly, let's say professionally.
Um, and you're also considering audience. So the eyes that might be seeing it and making sure that that is all of, you're protecting those [00:18:00] who shouldn't maybe be there, and snuck in on the side, um, that you're protecting those people as well. Um, yeah, so thank you, that gives a, that's a, I'm sure everyone, like you say, it's a buzzword, ethical, um, so we're not ethical washing anything.
You're very clear and explicit about how you, how you live that value. So, uh, so thank you. And, um, yeah, it's definitely appreciated by me for sure.
Anna: It is very important because I, I, I do think it has been misused. Don't, don't think that every site that you come across just because they suddenly go, I'm going to say this is ethical.
You've actually got to look and say, who is making those films? Who is making that porn? And a lot of sites do license and therefore you'll see maybe lots of other names being used. They're not actually behind the production and therefore they really don't know how those films [00:19:00] were produced and also they're not in charge of what it is that's being portrayed either. So it, it's quite important to sort of understand when you come to a site to look at it and say, who is producing that pornography? And if you can then discover that and understand, then it makes you feel much more comfortable in actually putting your money to a site like that than maybe to to something else. Um, so it is a an important step actually just to check out and ask yourself who's making it.
Andrea: And what their intentions are behind it because what I hear is that you're very discerning about the what you're portraying and that I find must be, well I guess must be challenging because there's so much nuance and subtlety that can happen.
So I'm just wondering how you, um, how you, I don't know if filter is the right word, but how do you feel for what feels like it's in the space of very sexy, [00:20:00] very erotic, explicit even, and still, um, responsible and uh, I guess uplifting and, I don't know if protection is the right word, but just instilling the kind of values that you have was, as you mentioned earlier on in our conversation with lifting sex up and showing the beauty of it and the connection that can happen and the relationality of it, all of that.
So how do you dance that edge? Because I imagine it might be a fine one at times.
Anna: Well, it is because at the end of the day, uh, our view of sex is all so different. Uh, we all have a different view of the type of sex we enjoy. Um, and also down to some of the acts we enjoy. And our journey changes as well. We may find that as we go through the path of life, there's certain things we enjoy at different stages of our life.
Um, [00:21:00] so I think it's also important that we have to be open minded, that this everybody likes maybe something a little bit different. So, I'm very much sort of conscious of what women enjoy. And some women do enjoy, and I speak to many women all the time, some do enjoy a little bit more extreme sex. But it's how they are catered for within the film.
So for example, I might have, um, I might have, uh, a foursome. There's a particular film, I'm, I'm just sprung to mind now as we're chatting, and it's called Fulfilling. And it's actually three men and a woman. Now straight away you might go, oh my goodness, you can imagine they're all onto her. You know, it's all, she's, she's basically being used.
No, in my film, I have these men, three lovely guys, but I decided I was going to keep them all very naked, but I was going to remove their [00:22:00] heads. So they almost became just torsos in the, in the nature of the film. I have this fabulous girl that I've worked with before. And she's there in a very provocative way, dressed in a way that she finds sexy and so on.
And she plays with these men. She enjoys having the pleasure that she wants. So she brings them in to her moment of pleasure, where she wants them, how she wants them. So she's got three men, basically, at her beck and call. And she is having some very sexual sex. But she's in charge. She's empowered. She's loving it.
And at no point do you watch that and think, oh, poor girl. You watch that and go, oh my god. And in fact, I then get fabulous comments afterwards. There was a comment by a couple and the chap said, you have just actually produced my wife's fantasy in full color. So for many women out there, being pleasured by [00:23:00] multiple partners in a way that is for her pleasure is probably right up there.
You know, a lot of women actually love group sex. But they don't just want to be used. They want to be adored. They want to be pleasured. They want to be intimate with all those hands mouths and, and everything all at once so it's, it's really heightening that moment of, of pleasure for them. So it's, it's looking at things in that nuanced way, but always understanding, bring it back.
What is it women want? What is it we, we would enjoy? Um, and even if that's something that maybe you have experienced in your life, or maybe it's just that fantasy, it's that in your head, oh my goodness, that, that's enough to kind of fuel your mind with, with such wonderful sort of fanciful, um, thoughts.
And that fires up your libido [00:24:00] and then you find that you become much more engaged in your own sexual self and actually enjoy intimacy with your partner where you've realized you've ignited that, that little seed of who am I sexually, um, and, and that's what really a lot of erotica is about. It's just fulfilling our imagination.
We're liberating it. We're allowing it to fuel up our libido. And this is where it becomes so valuable. Because without stimulating our mind about those, those, those sexy moments, we don't necessarily engage enough in our own sexual self.
Andrea: Yeah, I would agree having worked with many women that even that it's quite, it can be quite a leap to claim pleasure or claim or even understand what feels pleasurable.
And it's, sometimes it's about creating the space for it, but a lot of times it's about permission, and so giving yourself [00:25:00] permission and normalizing a female desire that it can show up in a lot of different ways and pleasure can show up in a lot of different ways. And the script has been so limited and kind of narrow for so long.
And even this thing of our pleasure and claiming our pleasure and what feels good to us taken out of the script completely, um, for so many women, I see it over and over again, that reclaiming or, um, opening up to, um, sometimes it's claiming for the first time, uh, pleasure and what it is and getting comfortable with accepting it even, and there's a lot of fear around really experiencing our full erotic selves, For so many different reasons that it feels like this could be a gateway for many, for many people gateway into connecting with and understanding what they might find pleasurable and also what they may not.
So they may see them and they may watch that film and, oh, it's not for [00:26:00] me, but now they know. Okay. That's not for me. Now the women are curious. Okay. Interesting. Then other women. Okay, yeah, completely. Yes. Thank you. Haven't seen it. So I haven't known it. Haven't been open to it. It hasn't been. Again, I can't express enough how beautifully crafted and designed and created these films are, they are just gorgeous for, for the eyes to kind of to be in those spaces.
So you can imagine yourself in these experiences because they do bring you to another place that is a place that you would want to be. It's so, your work is so powerful for that. Yeah, so much potential in the exploration, um, for women, but also for men. So I was wondering if you could speak to, we've spoken a lot to how you've created these, um, in the female gaze, for the female, for, for women.
And I know that there are a lot of men that also respond really positively to what you've created. I was wondering if you could [00:27:00] speak a bit to, to that as well.
Anna: Yeah, well, I, I always knew from my perspective, I very much focused on the women because we were just not being catered for. But I knew that there wasn't going to be a man out there that wouldn't actually enjoy seeing these films as well.
And particularly really seeing and starting to understand so much more about what it is that, that women become aroused by, um, how women can enjoy pleasure. And, and that extent of the pleasure, you know, we, I touched on at the beginning saying that we were, we are very sexual creatures. Um, and the pleasure almost knows no bounds.
Uh, when we allow ourselves to actually go for it and not worry about the sort of the stigmas and the taboos and, and so on. Um, so, and I also think that there's not a man out there that wouldn't [00:28:00] enjoy being with, uh, a female partner that was actually having the most incredible time and having the most amazing moment.
It will make him feel like he's 10 foot tall because ultimately men I do believe men love the idea of being able to pleasure their female partner. That predominantly is where a lot of men, but maybe they don't know quite what it is that will do that. You know, what, what is it that's, and I think we do struggle with communication.
And I think particularly women do struggle with, how do I communicate what I really like? I mean, if anybody's been out there and watched Baby Girl, she, you could see there was a long term couple, and she was struggling to actually tell her husband what it was that really just tweaked her mind that she found then she'd have the most [00:29:00] incredible orgasms and so on afterwards.
And she was struggling to sort of say it, but she found it easier to communicate that with a stranger. And I think we, we do have that, that how do I quite tell him that I actually like it like this? Um, and this is what, again, coming to looking at erotica and pornography, it's a wonderful laboratory.
Because you can actually look and find out what it is that turns you on, you know. Is it a bit of spanking? Is it a bit of this? Do you find that whole blindfold moment, just using a blindfold and actually removing a sense that you're not aware of? It's little things that maybe you haven't yet discovered.
It also allows you to talk about it. So if you watch something, there's an opportunity for you to say, oh my god, that looks amazing. Then you're opening up some dialogue. Do you think you'd like to try that? Well, I don't know. I haven't and so that opportunity to kind of go, should we have that as a little adventure?
Should we, should we try that? So [00:30:00] it, it is, I very much hope opening up dialogue, opening up communication, which we, we can struggle with, um, and opening up just ideas or just opening up the fantasies in our heads, because they are fantasy led. Um, yes, a lot of them are beautiful lovemaking scenes that we can all possibly see ourselves in that situation.
But are we in that beautiful moment when we're looking at it, it somehow is still that fantasy because you think, oh my god, come, you know, tonight, I'd love to have that scene and they're outdoors and it's and this is happening and that is happening and we're sowing that seed of fantasy for them to engage their minds with and and and then maybe play out, uh, in a later situation but um the men know they are just as big a fan and I do get some wonderful comments from couples and also from [00:31:00] men going, thank you so much because I can watch something without shame, uh, that is still arousing, that's still beautiful and is just still damn right sexy.
So, so that I do manage to cater for all but by catering for women predominantly. and focusing on the female pleasure. It's opened up the eyes for a lot of men.
Andrea: Such a gift, such a gift. And I'm certainly not saying it's the only way that we can learn about sex, but it is one of the most pleasurable and beautiful ways to spark ideas, to get creative, to, yeah, to just have more fun.
And men that the men that I work with over and over again, what I hear is what gives them pleasure is seeing the women that they're with, the partners that they're with really experiencing joy and the erotic and ways that are incredibly beautiful that they can feel that are palpable, and it does make you feel 10ft [00:32:00] tall for sure.
And gives them great pleasure and that there's so much generosity and beauty in that. Um, it's really, if you, if you view it that way, then, uh, yeah, there's just expansive places to explore and express and be inspired. So, uh, thank you so much. It's been such a pleasure speaking with you. If people did want to learn about, watch, read, listen, all the things, um, sexual well being, have a little bit of inspiration or a lot of inspiration for their erotic lives, for their sexual lives, for their sexuality, where can they go? How can they explore?
Anna: Come to Frolic Me. So, uh, do come along. It's literally, Frolic Me is all one word. F R O L I C M E dot com. Um, you can even Google, Anna Richards Films, [00:33:00] and I'm sure you'll, you'll find Frolic Me and, and myself. Um, and certainly you can come along and follow us on Instagram.
We have a couple of Instagram accounts. I have my own Instagram account as well. Frolic Me underscore Anna, or Frolic Me underscore official, if you want to see our Instagram, uh, for the site. Um, and the brand. And then we do have a Twitter account. Um, again, Frolic Me underscore Anna, um, and you can come along, but come to the site, come and explore.
We do do, um, a very simple five day trial. If you're not sure, you can just come for five days and actually have a look around the site and you'll have full access to audios, stories, and films, and the galleries, and the online magazine. And we have also launched, um, a sex education platform with a number of guides that provides some detailed resource when you're actually wanting to explore certain, uh, [00:34:00] terms or certain aspects about sex, and you're not quite sure where to go.
Andrea: Uh, such a valuable resource, all of it really. Thank you so much. We'll have everything in the show notes as well so everyone can connect really easily and explore and have fun and play because there's so much beauty and pleasure and play in, in the site and in the space and in what you've created. So thank you so much for being such a wonderful guest and for all that you're making happen in the world. Yeah. Thank you.
Anna: Thank you so much for having me. It's been always a joy to chat with you, and always a joy to chat about, um, my erotica.
Andrea: Thanks Anna.
Thank you for listening. Share this podcast with anyone you feel would benefit from its message. If you [00:35:00] love what you heard, rate and review us wherever you listen. And if you feel that you could use some support, connect with me, Andrea Balboni, through my website, LushCoaching.com. That's L U S H C O A C H I N G dot com. Special thanks to Nicholas Singer for the musical score, and Dion Knight for editing and production. [00:35:39]