a workshop for women ready for exceptional love
Dating this past year has felt harder than ever. Yet many smart women have learned to have more success in love than ever before.
Learn how you can too.
You have wonderful friends around you and an enviable career that you love.
But you’ve been single for way too long and are tired of doing alone.
Yet when you think about dating, it feels like the last thing you want to do.
And lockdown has just made it all the harder – from fewer changes to meet people ‘naturally’, to feeling like you have to sign up to dreaded online dating – it all feels like more obstacles to overcome on the already supremely challenging quest to find the right person.
But it doesn’t have to be like this.
You can keep your love life moving forward despite it all. And, based on the experience of the women we work with, you can even up-level your success rate and date like you never have before – starting now.
I’m going to teach you how to date daringly. How to meet better people, how to make deeper connections, and how to keep the fiery flames of passion alive!
Why now is a great time to date.
I know, I’ve heard it all before. You’re going to tell me, Andrea:
I hate online dating. It’s never worked for me.
Messaging feels like endless work with little reward.
The truth is, in many ways dating has improved with lockdown.
Pretty much everyone is online right now who’s single. Even those that have been resisting it for ages. So rest assured, people like you are out there and dialed in.
People are finding early conversations more rich and fulfilling.
With so many activities going online, there are plenty of alternative ways to make Zoom dates fun, creative and exciting. To show off your uniqueness. To be gloriously you.
And that goes for in-person dates too.
Together we’ll focus on:
Mindset shifts :
Learn how to significantly shift your mindset to improve results in dating dramatically.
Break old patters of attracting in the wrong people right from the start.
Recognise your value and fully claim all that you have to give so that you get an equal amount of value in return.
Be fearless in insistent honesty.
Meet better people for you on and offline.
Messaging magic + Profile Power :
Learn how to communicate from a place of strength and foster deeper connection.
Break through bread crumbing and ghosting.
Stay steady and connected during challenging conversations
Transform your online profile so that it reflects your strengths, personality and individuality.
Boundaries and intimacy – know what you’re comfortable with, what you’re not and learn how to voice it gracefully and powerfully.
Be inspired by fun, creative ideas for first dates and early-stage dating.
How you approach dating now is how you approach dating always – on and offline.