Erotic Awakening

Expand your experience of orgasmic bliss so that you live life and love full of healthy pleasure, natural confidence and a deep connection to your heart and soul as a woman

A 6-week live group coaching course on sensual pleasure with the crystal yoni egg


New to the yoni egg?

Learn about it in my Free Intro + Basic Crystal Egg Morning Practice.


Welcome in, gorgeous woman.

I am so glad that you are here. A warm welcome into my circle, a place for women who know deep down that there’s more to be experienced in pleasure and intimacy, in the mystery of the erotic – if only you knew where to begin.


This is the right place for you if…

  • You would love to feel delicious desire light up your body inside and out as your heart fills with love. But you can’t remember the last time you felt turned on by anyone or anything.

  • You would love to connect deeply with your body and explore orgasmic pleasure – from the effusive power of expansive internal orgasms to the gentle waves of full-bodied bliss to sacred, wild primal pleasure unleashed – in a way that feels safe and healthy. But haven’t found the right space for this and haven’t gotten there yourself.

  • You would love to feel more confident, more empowered, and more deeply feminine in intimacy and relationships. But fear you might have to give up a part of you along the way, and that just doesn’t feel right.

If you know that there’s so much more within you that wants to be known, to be experienced, to be lived, and to be loved if only you had the right guidance, holding and support, then welcome in.

Most women think that they need to a partner to turn them on, to connect them to their pleasure, to make them feel more feminine, more alive and to fill them up with love. 

The truth is that when you bring soft, gentle, conscious focus to your sexuality in a way that nourishes you, that feels healthy and whole, then everything changes.
— Andrea Balboni

Andrea + Naz

Transform your experience of pleasure and the erotic

One of the most powerful tools on my own personal journey of awakening the erotic and expanding my experience of sex and pleasure has been the crystal egg.

It’s been part of my personal practice for 5 years; the many women that I’ve practiced with and have guided share my experience and report the following:

  • More intense states of sensual erotic pleasure

  • Unlocking of internal orgasms – from G-spot to cervical to A-spot orgasms

  • A deeper sense of self-love, self-honoring and self-acceptance

  • A clear understanding of how sexual energy and turn-on work in your body

  • A more deep and meaningful relationship to sex and pleasure

  • Loving connection to your own body, how you experience pleasure and the unique wisdom you and your body holds

If you are completely new to the crystal egg, you can learn about it in this Free Intro + Basic Crystal Egg Morning Practice that I’ve created for you. Sign up here for instant access.

Leanne went from disconnection to radiating confidence

And has never felt more sexy after Erotic Awakening. Read her full story here.

Guided crystal egg practices gave me a safe container within which to explore my experience of pleasure in ways I’d not previously allowed myself.

Andrea jade egg 2.png

Through my own personal work with the crystal yoni egg, I discovered that I could be sexy…and still feel wholesome. 

That I could be seductive…and still feel pure. 

That I could surrender completely to desire…and stay in my power. 

Sex could be sacred and spiritual…or primal and wild.

It was my choice. My pleasure. My body. 

And in the journey of my crystal egg practice I found so many parts of me that I had buried away. 

Equipped with the practices, wisdom and knowledge of my body and my pleasure and nourished by sacred sisterhood I was able to come back to my natural blueprint of erotic health – one of ease and bliss. One just for me. That I would then share with my partner.

So if you are ready to explore fully your greatest potential for orgasmic pleasure without feeling lost, alone, confused or unsafe

If you long to feel deeply feminine in a way that feels true to you without having to compromise or give up your power

If you want to experience deep meaningful pleasure and connect with the most sacred places within you without having to look outside of yourself

Then I invite you to join Erotic Awakening

  • Access the deepest most sacred and powerful parts of you – feel yourself come alive with pleasure

  • Explore the mystery of erotic desire and be one with the orgasmic energy that moves through your body

  • Feel natural, easy and confident in your body – especially when you are with someone you’re attracted to

  • And have the kind of sex that you deeply desire – with a partner or with yourself

  • Love yourself, your body, your being – and all of life like never before

  • Come back home to yourself, to your wholeness, to all of you.

Join Erotic Awakening next time

Replays available if you can’t join all live sessions

This is a great if you’ve never heard of the crystal yoni egg until now (access this Free Intro and Basic Practice to learn more). Or if you’ve already know it and would like to deepen your practice.

How the course flows

  • Weekly 90 minute live coaching and practice sessions with Andrea

  • 5 different crystal egg audio guides for independent practice

  • 5 foundational energetic practices with audio guides for independent practice

  • Weekly PDFs for deepening into science, theory, history and context

  • Lush sister support pods – connect weekly with a classmate for accountability and support

  • Bonus – Buyer’s Guide : Purchasing your first egg

  • Bonus – Illustrated PDF on the Anatomy of Arousal





When you pay full tuition, your investment allows us to support those in our community that would not otherwise be able to afford this offer without the lower price.

Thank you for your support in helping us make this course available to more people.

Or pay in 2 monthly instalments of £325. Simply click on "buy now" and scroll to the bottom of the page.

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Our Solidarity Price is intended for those with marginalised identities (ex: single parent, BBIPOC, LGBTQIA, disability) who would not otherwise be able to afford this without the lower price.

If that's you, please feel free to join at the Solidarity Price.

If you can afford the full price or payment plan options, please do so to support those who can’t.

Or pay in 2 monthly instalments of £240. Simply click on "buy now" and scroll to the bottom of the page.

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Andrea’s jade egg course was incredible.
I learned how powerful the jade egg practice is for stepping into my divine femininity, pleasure, power, and my wild.
I highly recommend this.
— Adrienne

If you need to kickstart your libido or nuke yourself out of a sensuality rut, this class is your throughway.
Andrea creates a safe space for wherever you are right now and has complete command of this tricky territory.
You are in the right hands!
— Kim

If you are new to the crystal egg

Free Intro + Crystal Egg Practice for Beginners

In this introductory video and practice

You’ll learn the basics:

  • How the crystal egg works

  • How to prepare, clean, string and take care of your egg

  • What to expect from your first practice


  • A 25 minute introductory crystal egg practice

  • An audio guide that you can download (mp3)

  • Specific techniques on how to practice effectively with the egg for maximum benefit

I enjoyed that sooooo much more than I ever imagined, felt like I experienced a real physiological turning point during the practise. Finally felt aroused again and it felt gooood.
— Zoë



I used to disregard my sexuality. Making time to lean into my process of sexual healing and self-discovery was too much of an effort. It didn’t come naturally to me. But Jade Bliss made me show up. I am so glad that I had a sisterhood to hold me accountable throughout. They created a safe place for me to begin my Jade Egg practise and I’m so glad that I chose to be a part of it.
— Bliss Sister

All of the work I did with the crystal egg happened within the support of the community. Hearing about other women's experiences and learning from them made me feel less alone in it all.

– Andrea Balboni

You’ll be part of a supportive community of like-hearted women who have chosen to come together and be with one another on the journey to pleasure.

As you deepen into the safety and generosity of the community, you’ll realise just how much we all share – in struggles and triumphs both.

And how much more we flourish when buoyed by the understanding of others.

The practices : a flavour of what’s to come:

Jade egg practices together with tools such as meditation, visualisation, and focusing on body sensation melt away layers of tension and holding that keep you from experiencing the fullness of pleasure.


The Pleasure Practice Session is designed for the celebration and awakening of pleasure in your body, heart and soul. 

You’ll learn to embrace, love, accept wherever you are on your journey to pleasure. And to become conscious of whatever is in the way of you experiencing what you want. So that you clear the path to the unique flavour of pleasure there for you. 


Power flows through every woman in different ways. It can come through knowing yourself deeply, setting boundaries, being fully present in your body, being able to soften into surrender or to dominate – and feel powerful in all of it.

This practice works on strengthening your physical, energetic and psychological power so that you can fully step into your deeper purpose as a woman in love and life. 


You’ll access the impulsive, primal, raw wild sexual self within in a balanced and healthy way. 

You’ll learn to open you up to your wildness whilst you remain present and connected to your body. You’ll experience stability, nourishment and safety so that you eventually are able to surrender to the orgasmic pleasure within. 


More on how the crystal egg practice works

The crystal yoni egg is an egg-shaped is a super-tool that supports your body in awakening to pleasure gently and powerfully.

Simply put, the crystal yoni egg practice is like yoga for your vagina. And it can support your sexuality on all levels – body, heart and soul:

  • Body: The jade egg is gently invited into your body to strengthen and tone your muscles increasing your experience of orgasmic pleasure

  • Heart: As you build stronger heart - mind - body connection, you learn to love yourself from the inside out

  • Soul: And experience a sense of wholeness as you embrace this sacred aspect of you – your sexuality

So what is the crystal egg exactly? And how does it work?

The crystal egg is a stone made of certified jade, glass or other material and shaped into an egg. It is guided into your vaginal canal and you’ll learn special movements and techniques that, when used together with tools such as meditation, visualisation, and focusing on body sensation, melts away layers of limiting beliefs, negative emotions and feelings around your sexuality, and bodily tension and holding that keep you from experiencing the fullness of pleasure.

When I incorporate the jade egg into my daily life, I feel more fresh, vitalised and renewed. I sleep better. I feel fuller and more content. – Andrea Balboni

I learned what was blocking me from my erotic potential – decades old conditioning inherited from a religion that shamed self-pleasure, a culture that labeled women who enjoyed sex as trashy, a deep fear on how sex would destroy my life (from disease to pregnancy to disrepute, the list goes on) to name only a few, took working with all levels of my being – body, heart/emotions, mind, and energy – to clear my path to pleasure.

If you’re, chances are your body has built up a barrier around feeling things – pleasure included. Love your body/mind for doing this – it’s just trying to keep you safe. It’s also keeping you from pleasure.

But if you want to be able to access pleasure, your body, heart and mind all need to learn that it’s ok to let feeling in. And this learning needs to happen on all levels of you.

This is where a carefully designed practice like the one I’ve created for this course comes in. When you work with the jade egg deep in your body it can act as a kind of internal masseur, releasing tension and tightness (stuck energy) from your tissues and muscles. This allows for a more free flow of vital energy throughout your body, making you feel more vibrant and alive, or deeply relaxed depending on who you are.  

This is often not enough however. A shift in mindset and beliefs around your sexuality is intrinsic to this process. As is a processing of the strong emotions that can arise and be experienced as you re-align yourself to a new paradigm in pleasure.

As I learned to feel safe in my sexiness, I began to notice more feeling in my body. I started having internal orgasms, felt more desire again and a softening into my femininity in a way that felt powerful, bold and sacred – it was life changing.

All of the work I did with the jade egg happened with the support of community. Hearing about other women's experiences and learning from them made me feel less alone in it all.

Nourished by sacred sisterhood, I was able to come back to my natural blueprint of erotic health – one of ease and bliss, just for me.

When I first heard of the crystal egg I was like,
“Nope, no way. You gotta be crazy. I’ve got to put what, where?”
— Andrea Balboni

I had a deep fear of putting anything inside of me before working with the crystal egg. Especially anything that had any association with sex. At all. 

It’s not like I hadn’t had sex before. I had. It was just…I felt scared. Out of my wits.

But I missed feeling the sparkle of turn-on. The pull of desire. The gorgeous energy of arousal in my body – it had been years.

It took me months and months to get up the courage to finally begin to work with the crystal egg in my body. And when I finally did, everything began to change…