Practice : The Queen of Yin – connect to the powerful woman within you

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Join me as I guide you through an embodiment practice designed to connect you with and explore your feminine side.

Society and culture tends to value more masculine or yang forms of expression such as efficiency, productivity and focus to name a few. And so many of us feel well in touch with this aspect of ourselves.

An over-emphasis on the masculine or yang, has lead to a de-valuing of the feminine or yin form of expression that is experienced as empathy, compassion, and collaboration, again to name only a few.

And so this practice encourages embracing the feminine so that we can reconnect with the part of ourselves that is a different kind of strength than that of the masculine. By doing so we come to a greater sense of wholeness and we feel more alive and complete as a result.

The practice, which takes the format of a meditation, involves envisioning oneself as a queen or goddess, defining her unique qualities, and then brining them into your day to day life by embodying them through the five senses.

In doing so, you’ll cultivate self-love, confidence, and a deeper understanding of your feminine side.

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Andrea Balboni

Andrea is a certified Sex, Love and Relationships Coach at Lush Coaching.

Her mission is to help people experience as much pleasure and fulfillment in their personal intimate lives as they desire.

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Practice : The Queen of Yin - Connect to the powerful woman within you

Andrea: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Lush Love, the podcast. I'm your host, Andrea Balboni. Through conversations with special guests, we'll navigate the intensity of intimacy, the highs and lows of relationships, and the beauty and complexity of the erotic, desire and pleasure. I'll guide you through embodiment practices and meditations in special episodes that will bring to life and make real what you learn from conversations with thought leaders, teachers, and guide of all kinds.

My goal is to support you, to experience intimate relationships and the way that you desire, so that you feel nourished by deep, meaningful connection, by passion and pleasure. I'm so glad [00:01:00] you're here with me on this journey. And if you are to rate and review this episode, if you feel the same.

This embodiment practice is designed to help you explore and connect with your feminine side so that you can have a more whole and enriching experience of life. of love and of the erotic. It's important to acknowledge that societal conditioning, particularly the impact of the patriarchy, has led to the suppression of feminine qualities in pretty much everyone, regardless of gender.

You may find yourself encountering internal resistance or self doubt as you embark on this journey. I certainly did. And so I would encourage you to remember that embracing your feminine side is not a sign of weakness or disempowerment, though it can feel like [00:02:00] that. It is rather a source of strength and wholeness.

And so this embodiment practice is really a starting point for your exploration of the feminine. And it all share ways to continue to nurture your inner queen, your inner goddess. Your inner sacred wise woman long after the practice is complete. So I hope that you enjoy this practice as much as I have and have fun with it.

It's here for you to enjoy. Right now I'm going to take you on a gentle journey of self discovery where we will awaken the radiant queen or goddess or wise sacred woman within you. So you can begin by finding a comfortable and quiet space where you can relax and turn your attention inwards. Close your eyes and if it feels good, [00:03:00] gently take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to soften, releasing any tension that you hold.

Gently melting away anything that's already ready to go.

And remembering that we all carry both masculine and feminine energies within us, regardless of gender. So in this practice, we will focus on cultivating and nurturing the feminine aspect, which is often described as yin and yang. So you can begin by envisioning yourself as a queen or a goddess or a sacred woman

and noticing how it feels [00:04:00] and if you can connect with the queen or the goddess or the wise sacred woman within you at all. For some people it might be really easy to connect with this part of ourselves And for other people, it may feel like quite a stretch

and know that with a bit of practice, it does get easier over time.

And for simplicity in this version of the practice, I'm going to use the title Queen, but feel free to replace that with any other honorific or archetypal title. For the feminine that you choose, I've already mentioned a couple, goddess, wise sacred woman. Just notice what feels true to you right now. [00:05:00]

And as you do this, you're going to consider the qualities that embody your truest, most authentic feminine self. A few of the qualities that are noted across cultures and traditions. To describe the yin or the feminine within us are a strong connection to emotions, feelings, and intuition, an ability to listen to subtle methods of communication such as the heart and love, the messages of the spirit world, and the inner guidance and deep wisdom that comes when we can hear and listen deeply to this.

Being able to relax back and be guided by flowing, cyclical, and spiral processes are qualities of [00:06:00] the feminine. Being allowing and accepting of what is and trusting in natural outcomes are other qualities. And with the feminine also comes a gift for fostering relationship and true connection with others.


And giving these qualities a label for now, a name for now. So would you be the queen of love, radiating warmth and compassion? Or perhaps the queen of the wild, who embraces freedom and an untamed spirit? [00:07:00] Allowing, accepting, trusting, connected to the natural world. You can choose from any of the following suggestions or create your own queen that you would be practicing today, considering these qualities would stay with her.

So I've mentioned the queen of love, the queen of wild, the queen of pleasure, queen of seduction, queen of romance, queen of innocence.

Noticing if any of these resonates with you, if any of these feels right for you now, or if they feel challenging. So if there's any one that feels particularly challenging, this can be also a good place to start because it could be the qualities within you [00:08:00] that are the most distant or disconnected in the moment.

We all hold each of these qualities of the feminine and are a unique expression of them within us. It's just sometimes some of them have been pushed down, suppressed, repressed, criticized, condemned by the world that we live in, the people around us, the families that we grew up in, and they want reclaiming.

So right now, naming your own queen based on an essence of the feminine that you yearn to embody, that you would love to embody,

And once you have a clear image of your queen, we will bring her to life through the five senses. This [00:09:00] process will help you to connect with your feminine energy on a deeper, much more embodied level from the inside out. And so as you move through each sense, really allow yourself to feel fully the experience of the sensations and the emotions that arise.

So noticing sight. What colors? Does your queen surround herself? What images represent her essence? What light is there? And noticing next sound. What kind of music resonates with your queen's spirit? Choose the music that evokes her energy most and allows you to move and express yourself freely as her.

So if you've [00:10:00] chosen the queen of love, what kind of music would she listen to? What sounds would she have surrounding her? How might she move her body to express the qualities of love, as a queen of love?

And next, smell. What perfumes or scents would she wear? Maybe a selective fragrance that embodies her unique allure. What flowers might she have? What scents would she surround herself with?

And then touch what fabrics and textures feel luxurious and pleasurable against your skin as the queen of love. Or whatever queen you've chosen. Choosing clothing that [00:11:00] makes you feel confident and beautiful and that expresses the radiance of this quality of the feminine.

And what foods and drinks would nourish and delight your queen.

Imagine yourself banqueting on these foods and these things to imbibe that are both delicious and aesthetically pleasing.

And so for the next seven days, you're going to commit to living as your chosen queen, embracing the qualities of her in your everyday actions, thoughts, and interactions. You're going to move through the five [00:12:00] senses every day. Through sight, color, light, texture, wearing what she'd wear. Sound, listening to what she would listen to.

Smell, wearing perfumes or scents that she would wear. Touch, feeling the fabrics and textures luxurious and pleasurable against your skin, clothing that she'd wear. And tastes, preparing meals, and having small bites that are both delicious.

Noticing as you live through the five senses how your queen, how you as this queen moves. How do you carry yourself? How do you walk as the queen of love? How do you dance? How do you express yourself with [00:13:00] grace and confidence? Empower.

How does your queen speak? How do you speak as her through her using language that is kind, empowering, authentic, true to you, true to her. Noticing what might shift or change in your own way of being, in your own way of moving and speaking and relating to others as you embody this essence or these qualities of the feminine more and more day by day.

Speaking of relationships, who does she surround herself with? What kind of people does she connect with? Who support and inspire her? Who will support and inspire you to be more of who she and you truly are? Who does she choose to love? Who does she make love to? [00:14:00] How and when?

Considering all of this, day by day, moment to moment, for seven days.

And as you move throughout the week, taking time to journal about your experience, reflecting on how embodying your queen makes you feel. What new insights have you gained about your feminine side? What challenges have you faced? And how has this practice impacted your sense of self love and confidence?

What ways are you living your life that have changed from how you normally go about things? What more are you experiencing? What more has become possible for you? What more wants [00:15:00] sharing? What more wants knowing?

And at the end of the seven days, celebrating this queen of love, let's say, or whatever queen you've chosen. And when you feel ready, perhaps for the next week, choosing a new quality of the feminine, a new queen, that wants living and bringing to life within you and doing this practice all over again, playing in the space of the feminine in this beautiful, sensual, enriching way.

And this practice is now complete. [00:16:00]

Thank you for listening. Share this podcast with anyone you feel would benefit from its message. If you love what you heard, rate and review us wherever you listen. And if you feel that you could use some support, connect with me, Andrea Balboni, through my website, That's L U S H C O A C H I N G dot com.

Special thanks to Nicholas Singer for the musical score, and Dion Knight for editing and production.