Resilience: a key quality for thriving whilst dating

I’ve invited ‘healthy hedonist’ and Integrated Sex, Love and Relationships coach, yoga teacher, writer, speaker and women’s health expert Ruth Sowter to speak about…


Wait, what? Seems like a bit of a strange topic for a hedonist who’s to teach us about getting all googly-eyed over someone, wouldn’t you say?

The truth of the matter is that dating can feel like a tough game. And the beginning months of a new relationship like a trip down a rocky road with blind corners at every stop.

Ruth speaks about how Resilience is an essential skill to hone so that you can experience dating in a more healthy way.

The skills you learn in being resilient will translate to relationship as you transition over from dating to mating. 🥂

Staying with all of the myriad emotions you feel (from interest and curiosity to excitement and nervousness to insecurity and questioning to name a few) as you meet new people and get to know them can be very challenging and quite confusing.

Ruth teaches 3 easy ways to begin to develop Resilience so that you can feel more open and ready for love...and more steady AND sexy on a date. 

1. Create a pre-date ritual – For more on pre-date rituals, visit 3 pre-date rituals that will make you rock it on a date

2. Have a full life – Outside of dating

3. Practice boundaries – How to say 'yes' or 'no' to a next date

Watch the video for the details and wisdom.