
How to get more message responses from women online

How to get more message responses from women online

3 stages to getting better dates faster with great women online.

In any good, healthy conversation there is balance.

The quality of the exchange is based on each person’s ability to both

  • share authentically and meaningfully

  • and feel seen and heard

It’s a 50/50 balance that’s established from the first few messages with someone.

Here’s how to establish and maintain this balance

So that you can go from right swipe to first and then second date more quickly and easily than before.

And actually enjoy the flow.

How to have better sex: connection + consent with Nichi Hodgson

How to have better sex: connection + consent with Nichi Hodgson

How to have better sex: connection + consent with Nichi Hodgson

I want you to jump from two feet into the bedroom, when you feel finally ready to be intimate with a certain someone you might have just started dating.

And not only that, I want you to have the best sex possible when you do.

And so, I wanted to break out this bit of a conversation from a video I had posted a few weeks back with Nichi Hodgson, journalist on all things sexy for the likes of the Guardian and Sky News that will help you to do so.You see, consent is key to connection. And connection is the key to great sex. Especially if you are new to dating someone. 

Self-Pleasure Basics - How to really gain supreme confidence in dating (and in life)

Self-Pleasure Basics - How to really gain supreme confidence in dating (and in life)

You can only be confident in your sexiness – truly confident – if you know your body inside and out.

And self-pleasure is possibly THE best way to do that.

Imagine that you trusted your body completely, that you knew exactly what she wanted and needed at any time, and that you felt safe in your own sexiness. I'm talking about YOU being in charge here, no one else. 

Would that make you feel confident in dating? Hell yes! 

Would that make you feel confident in bed? That's another hell yes!! (Even got 2 exclams)

And that confidence radiates into your whole life.

The real secret to absolute confidence in dating (and life)

The real secret to absolute confidence in dating (and life)

We don’t talk about how being confident in life means being confident in your sexuality, in feeling sexy, in expressing that gorgeous flavour of life fully.

And we don’t learn how to be sexually confident either.

Self-pleasure can help with all that. This video can help you get started.

Are relationships (the long-lasting, hot and sexy kind) really worth it? Part 2

Are relationships (the long-lasting, hot and sexy kind) really worth it? Part 2

The building blocks of a good strong relationship begin in dating. And knowing how to ‘date well’ and ‘choose well’ is critical to you getting the long-lasting beautiful love that you want.

We explore how to move beyond bewildering biology and brainy analysis by embracing both and adding a bit of consciousness to the mix so that you can make a top choice in love.