Jade Egg Basics : What is this little stone all about. And why should you care?

The jade egg has changed my life. Literally. 

It put Pleasure with a capital ‘P’ back on my map after decades of increasing numbness in my body.

But I didn’t always love this little egg-shaped stone.

When I first heard of the jade egg I was like, “Nope, no way. You gotta be crazy. I’ve got to put what, where?”

I had a deep fear of putting anything inside of me, never mind something made of stone. 

The following information is based on what the jade egg did for me and countless other women - the jade egg’s been used in the US for over 40 years, and in Asia for thousands.

Yep, thousands.

There has to be something to it, right?

So what is it exactly? And how does it work?


1. The jade egg is a tool that can be used to support a deep, intimate understanding of your body and your sexuality. 

The jade egg is a stone made of certified jade and shaped into an egg. Like kegel weights, it can be gently invited into the vaginal canal to strengthen and tone the muscles inside of your body.

It can also be used together with tools such as meditation, visualisation, and focusing on body sensation to melt away layers of tension and holding that keep you from experiencing the fullness of pleasure.

Both your body and your sexuality belong to you, right? They are both with you all the time. So why was it that I felt that I had no clue about either at the age of 40? 

If you had asked me to describe my sexuality years ago, I would have gone straight onto Google (I actually did this) to look up the term sexuality. What did that encompass? How would I describe mine?!? I had no clue...

Now I would describe myself and my sexuality as gentle, strong, sensual, sexy, beautiful, alive, powerful, erotic, mystical, innocent and the list goes on and on. 

I know how to turn myself on and how to tell my lover (aka boyfriend) what I like and what I want. 

Am I perfect at this? Nope. But I’m 400% better at it than I was.

I continue to use the egg as a tool to learn about my body, keep her in good health. 


2. The jade egg can help you overcome whatever it is that is holding you back from being your fullest, most beautiful, most sexy self.

When I bought my first egg, it was about a year before I could even try to put the thing inside of me. I’d look at the little wonder with trepidation and worry and even fear. 

And the first times I tried to ease the egg into my vagina, I felt deep nausea and disgust come up. I just could not do it. 

So I learned to listen to my body. And my pussy. And work with her slowly. Until finally, gradually, over time she opened up to the little egg welcomed it in.

I came to realise that was surfacing was decades old beliefs and conditioning I had inherited from growing up in a religion that shamed masturbation and self-pleasure, a culture that labeled women who enjoyed sex too much as trashy, and a deep fear embedded in me around how sex would destroy my life (from disease, pregnancy, disrepute, the list goes on). 

It took some time to work through all of this. To trust my body. Trust my pleasure. And welcome it back in my body. 

The jade egg practices proved to be a practical way for me to do this. 


3. The jade egg will help you feel deeply nourished and alive

When I incorporate the jade egg into my daily life, I feel more fresh, vitalised and renewed. I sleep better. I feel fuller and more content. 

When you work with the jade egg deep in your body it can act as a kind of internal masseur, releasing tension and tightness (stuck energy) from your tissues and muscles. 

This allows for a more free flow of vital energy throughout your body, making you feel more vibrant and alive, or deeply relaxed depending on who you are. 


4. The jade egg helps increase sensitivity in your vagina

Remember how I was explaining before about all of those layers of conditioning that were causing me so many problems? 

Well, not only would I feel nausea with my jade egg practices, but I would also numb out during sex. Or feel burning sensations. 

What the heck? I thought sex was supposed to feel good all the time?!? That’s what Hollywood says anyway. I was sold a line? Why does no one talk about this?

Turns out if you, like me, carry emotional baggage of some sort, chances are your body has built up a barrier around feeling things. Love your body for doing this – it’s just trying to keep you safe. 

But now that part of you needs to learn that it’s ok to relax. 

As I learned to feel safe in my sexiness, I began to notice more feeling in my vagina. I started having cervical orgasms! And vaginal ones as well. 

Woohooo!!! It’s like a part of me that had gone into a long slumber was slowly coming alive again. 


5. The jade egg gives you permission to try on as many flavours of sexiness as you can imagine - it’s infinitely fun

Guided jade egg practices gave me a safe container within which to explore flavours of sensuality that I’d not previously allowed myself. 

I discovered I could be wild and still be wholesome. 

That I could be both erotic and innocent. 

I could surrender completely or take charge. 

Sexiness could be sacred or primal.

It was my choice. My pleasure. My body. My self-discovery. 

And in it I found so many parts of myself that I had buried away. 

Why do I think you might like the jade egg?

Because I know you are dying to know all the sides of yourself too. You are curious. You live your life courageously. You are bold. You are brave. 

You are exceptional. 

And remember, I’ve been there. You’ll have my support the whole way through. 


6. Jade Egg practices when done regularly heal your body. Here’s how: 

  • Increase pelvic floor and vaginal wall strength

  • Increase sensitivity in your vagina and your entire pelvic region

  • Fortify a body / mind connection critical to enhancing pleasure and intimacy during sex with a partner or solo

  • Feel empowered by your sexuality as you understand intimately how your body works

  • Become more sensitive to energy and how it moves in your body

In my own personal experience in my own body it has also:

  • Reduced and eliminated pain, burning and numbness in my vagina

  • Steadied and normalized my menstrual cycle

  • Reduced premenstrual symptoms of cramping and soreness

  • Uplifted and balanced my emotions and my energy

  • Gave me inner confidence by knowing and understanding my body’s ability to experience pleasure alone and with a partner

But don’t just take it from me. Here’s a YouTube vid where I interview a fellow jade egg coach on her own experience: How the jade egg helped one woman find love