Leanne’s story – from disconnection to confidence and pleasure
When we first met you I was lost. My connection with my body was completely gone. I had lost contact with my sexual self.
Leanne had undergone an operation that left her feeling completely out of touch with her sexual self. She’d left a difficult marriage and was still healing from that relationship as well.
And although I'd had one or two experiences after my husband and separated, I just felt like I couldn't express my real sexual needs. I'm a very physical woman. I love sex but I felt as I was being thwarted. I knew that I had to take responsibility for that, I just didn’t know how.
“I love sex but I felt as I was being thwarted. I knew that I had to take responsibility for that, I just didn’t know how. ”
And like many women Leanne felt afraid to go out into the world and re-claim her sexuality.
I didn't want to get myself into situations where I looked as though I was available for sex when I wasn't. It didn’t feel right for me to go out on the town and experience lots of different men. That just didn’t feel right for me. And I didn't want to get myself into certain situations by expressing myself that way.
So I didn't. And I was stuck. I didn't know how to claim that power without feeling out of control.
The fear Leanne felt was really tender. She didn’t know what she could do to reconnect to her body and her sexual self that didn’t involve sleeping around, which to her just never felt right. How could she reconnect to her body when she felt so far and distant from it – and when it felt so scary to reconnect to herself again.
I spoke to Leanne about where she was at and what she had been through. And suggested that she give the crystal egg practice a try. Leanne courageously enrolled in Erotic Awakening and began a beautiful journey home to her body – and to her sexuality.
I realized working with you, that I knew so little about my own anatomy. It's ridiculous that we as women don't know our bodies.
“I feel so much more relaxed about things now. I’m more confident. I know I can let sexual energy flow without having to be out there with it. ”
By dedicating conscious focus and attention to her sexuality in a way that felt safe, healthy, liberating, and empowering, Leanne moved through her stuckness.
I feel so much more relaxed about things now. I'm more confident. I know I can let sexual energy flow without having to be out there with it.
And then being able to tap into that sexual energy whenever I want, that I can just all of a sudden feel turned on makes me feel more vibrant and alive.
I definitely feel more confident in being able to ask for what I like, because I realize that it’s normal and healthy to do that.
I learned how pleasurable your body can be – that you don't have to fantasize in your head in order to experience orgasm. You can just be totally connected to your body and experience it there. It’s amazing.
“Where this journey has taken me is just, I didn’t expect it to be so all encompassing and to really go into my soul. And it’s beautiful. ”
As Leanne came back in touch with her body, with her turn-on and better understood how erotic energy moves through her, she was able to step into her own authentic expression of it.
Where this journey has taken me just in the four weeks with you is just, I didn't expect it to be so all encompassing and to really go into my soul. And it's beautiful.
Leanne, like many women that I speak to, feel a kind of fear when considering signing up for a course that focuses on sexality, even if it promises pleasure.
It was out of my comfort zone completely and it was scary. I felt the fear and did it anyway. But that fear passed really quite quickly. I think after week one it passed, and that was it. I wasn't scary anymore.
My pleasure is mine to own and it is totally worth it. The boundaries you break shouldn't be there in the first place and it just feels so amazing.
“My pleasure is mine to own and it is totally worth it. The boundaries you break shouldn’t be there in the first place and it just feels so amazing. ”
It certainly does feel amazing. The game changes when you bring focused attention to your sexuality and step more fully into the pleasure and freedom that’s there within you. And the shift is life-changing.
I've never done anything like this before. I love your approach. You just have great energy – it's relaxed, it's down to earth but it's magical as well.
You provided that safe space for me to be initiated into this while I was feeling uncomfortable. You made it so easy just to relax into it and go with it. And I think that's a real gift, because I don't think there are many people I could have done that with.
“You provided that safe space for me to be initiated into this while I was feeling uncomfortable. You made it so easy just to relax into it and go with it. And I think that’s a real gift”
I'm a better person for it I think, physically and emotionally. It's really really good. It's taken me past the point where I was stuck. And it’s prepared me for getting back into relationships. I now have a lot more confidence.
Thank you Andrea. You're amazing. And I'm old enough to know that when you hear that call inside you that you follow it – you do whatever it takes to do it. So, thank you. Definitely a lovely journey.
Erotic Awakening is a course that I’ve designed to give you a fun and safe space within which to explore your sexuality. With my expert guidance, the support of the crystal egg, and a community of women ready to say ‘yes’ to pleasure, you’ll feel more confident, more alive, more naturally sexy and orgasmic from the inside out.
Are you ready to say ‘yes’ to you? Let me show you the way.