Dating is different after 40. Whether you’ve been in love before or not (or are not sure), you’ve likely seen and experienced enough to know what you don’t want. And as you get clear on what it is you do want in a relationship, you may be left with the question on how to get it. Dating has changed. Relationship styles have evolved. And I ponder all of this with Katie Phillips, as she asks the women she works with – who do you need to be in order to have the love you want in your life. And from here the journey deep into you begins.
Ep. 3 Sacred Sex and Healing Trauma with Lyvia Cairo
Sacred sex means different things to different people. In this conversation with Sacred Sex Coach Lyvia Cairo, Lyvia shares what sacred sex means to her, how she first came to practice it, and the joy, peace and freedom it brought to her once she moved through the trauma that was holding her back.
Lyvia Cairo is a Sex Coach who helps women feel better in their body, pleasure and desires. She specializes in sacred sexuality coupled with trauma healing.
Ep. 2 Thriving Through Menopause with Clarissa Kristjansson
I didn’t know just how much perimenopause was a mind, body, emotion shift for women until speaking with Clarissa. In fact, I didn’t know much about the menopause at all. I’m so glad that I had this conversation with Clarissa as I feel much more ready for this next phase in life – and believe that it will help you too.