Sitting behind a computer year in and year out, decade in decade out takes its toll on a body.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job in technology for many reasons. I felt like a pioneer in the early days of the dot com era in New York City.
And I loved the mental challenge of the work. And the creativity that innovation required – my fellow ‘web designers’ and I were virtually creating things ‘from scratch’ as the internet itself was just newly born.
However my body wasn’t loving it. I felt a palpable shift to city life from a childhood spent outdoors.
In New England the seasons are well defined. And one thing suburban sprawl allowed for was a clear sensual experience of the bite of intense bone-chilling cold in winter, springtime awakening to brightness, technicolor and lightness of the new, a mellowing into sultry sweaty summer days at high-intensity heat to the crisp autumn crunchiness of leaves under feet and once a return to the clip of chill in the air.
20 years of revolving doors, closed office spaces cut me off almost entirely from the rhythm of the seasons. The intense mental focus and ‘toughening up’ to big city life and a corporate career asked for – demanded I felt – a shut down of feeling and flow in my body.
And my innate sensuality.
There were small escapes…swims in a chlorinated blue rectangle when I could find one, hip hop classes where I could move my body in impossible rhythms. Cooking with spices from distant places all available a block or two away. And an occasional train ride to sandy shores.
It was not enough.
I also felt the incredible absence of touch. And the solitude that comes with that.
In my family amongst my siblings we are quite tactile. Perhaps it’s because we’re of the Mediterranean, maybe it’s because my mother encouraged play and closeness amongst us.
I realised just how nourishing and just how much I needed touch only when I no longer had it around.
I work with the body [ guided hands off practices only ] as much as the mind and emotions of the people who come to me for coaching. This is because the body holds so much of the weight of the past.
For me it held on to years and years of shut down and turning off so I could be productive and efficient. And to protect myself from those I was attracted to but also feared – sex was dangerous. There were diseases. Risk of pregnancy. Life ruining consequences. So it was safer to abstain.
And love equally scary. What if I chose the wrong person? What if I broke someone’s heart? What if they hurt me?
Better to stay away.
Working with my body in very specific and informed ways held the key to releasing all of this and a whole bunch of other stuff that was holding me back from fully expressing myself – and thus from finding love.
I continue to work with body-based practices in my coaching practice because it doesn’t tell stories.
The mind LOVES stories. And you can get lost in them, talking it out..or rather around it all... sometimes for years.
And after all of the talking, still stuck.
Change is more than a verbal process.
You might be easily aware of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours on a surface level, and may even experience insight into them.
But it’s when you feel all of this in your body on a very deep level, that you can work with it directly, release it swiftly, and experience freedom from whatever it is that is blocking you from the life you want to live.
And the love that is meant for you.
Don’t get me wrong, accessing the power of the mind is important. It’s critical that body, mind and emotions (or heart) are all activated and in sync.
And that’s just the thing. ALL PARTS OF US need to be in sync in order for us to truly make progress and move forward. Into feeling, behaving and thinking differently so that we get different results in life. In dating. In relationships. In intimacy. AND in sex.
It’s all there.
Releasing the blockers, body mind and soul is key to being able to show up on dates, in relationship, and in life as your fullest most authentic self. And be loved for it.
It also allows space for you to access the wisdom that you hold within. And that is easily accessed through the body as well.
If you’ve already done lots of self-development work and have talked it out…
And perhaps have also tried some reiki, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, breathwork, shamanic healing, plant medicines, you name it…
Just like I did.
And you’re still stuck.
Then body-based therapeutic catalytic coaching with me might be right for you.