How to burn thru resistance + get the love you want

How to burn thru resistance + get the love you want

Learn how to move forward towards what you really want in life with greater ease by overcoming your resistance to change.

We have an intense desire for something – strong love, a lasting relationship, more connection + pleasure in sex. ❤

It may be the thing that we want most in the world and yet when it comes to taking action to move closer towards what we truly want, we begin to resist.

How to have emotionally safe sex

How to have emotionally safe sex

We’ve all heard of ‘safe sex’. And it’s super important to keeping you biologically safe.

But what about the protection that your mind, heart and soul need when you consider making love to another?

I’ve invited Emma Spiegler, expert in the subject and fellow Sex, Love and Relationships Coach to teach you:

🍒 How to recognise what not feeling emotionally safe feels like in the body

🍒 How to make more informed decisions to know how to choose emotional safety

🍒 How to start to practice saying yes and no (even if it’s just a kiss)

So that when it comes down to falling in love you’ll feel strong and ready to dive in with an open heart that is, at the same time, deeply protected.

How to find calm when the sea of love is rough and tumbles

How to find calm when the sea of love is rough and tumbles

We all get to a point in our lives when things feel too heavy to bear. When our breath draws short and our minds feel unable to navigate the twists and turns of all that is happening within and outside of us.

I teach a quick simple practice taken from mindfulness that allows all of the above to happen, but also creates some space and within that space some peace even as you hold, feel, and experience intense emotion.

Self-Pleasure Basics - How to really gain supreme confidence in dating (and in life)

Self-Pleasure Basics - How to really gain supreme confidence in dating (and in life)

You can only be confident in your sexiness – truly confident – if you know your body inside and out.

And self-pleasure is possibly THE best way to do that.

Imagine that you trusted your body completely, that you knew exactly what she wanted and needed at any time, and that you felt safe in your own sexiness. I'm talking about YOU being in charge here, no one else. 

Would that make you feel confident in dating? Hell yes! 

Would that make you feel confident in bed? That's another hell yes!! (Even got 2 exclams)

And that confidence radiates into your whole life.

Love junkie or love cynic? This could be stopping you from being in (true) love.

Love junkie or love cynic? This could be stopping you from being in (true) love.

Are you a ‘love junkie’? A tender hearted optimist who believes wholeheartedly in a starry-eyed kind of love that looks and feels like it does in the movies.

Or instead a ‘love cynic’? Convinced instead that NO one is the only ‘one’ you might ever know.

Shelby and I will discuss how to form a beautiful relationship full of love that lasts over time whilst knowing that nothing is ever perfect - junkies and cynics both this is for you.

Learn 3 simple practices - master the Art of Receiving and Fall into Love

Learn 3 simple practices - master the Art of Receiving and Fall into Love

Receiving fosters connection with another. It opens the way for intimacy that both men and women crave.

But its not as easy as it sounds to receive. Especially for women. Understand why this is and how it keeps us from finding the love and relationships that we really want.

Learn 3 ways to receive more easily in your life.

Pleasure: the best thing to do for your health

Pleasure: the best thing to do for your health

Pleasure is the best medicine for good health

Sexual pleasure is a full-body experience of all of the five wonderful senses that we are born with.

The more you can drop into your body in sex whether solo or in company, the more pleasure you will experience. 

I introduce you to a super sensual and oh so delicious tantric ritual that will get you right to the epicentre of pleasure: your body.

Anatomy of Arousal Part II: The Clit + Co

Anatomy of Arousal Part II: The Clit + Co

The clitoris is amazing. No doubt.

She has more nerve endings than anywhere else in both the female and male anatomy, making her highly sensitised, uniquely exquisite and full of potential pleasure. 

What you probably don't know is that on top of this she's got a few other parts surrounding her that help deliver pleasure in surround sound as I like to think of it..

The real secret to absolute confidence in dating (and life)

The real secret to absolute confidence in dating (and life)

We don’t talk about how being confident in life means being confident in your sexuality, in feeling sexy, in expressing that gorgeous flavour of life fully.

And we don’t learn how to be sexually confident either.

Self-pleasure can help with all that. This video can help you get started.