Middle life, you're lookin' sexy – making the shift

Middle life, you're lookin' sexy – making the shift

Marking the turn into mid-life for me is only just taking shape and form. Rituals for moving through the different seasons of life are with us no longer. And yet they would serve us well. As they help us to let go of the safety of where we have been – and have outgrown. And prepare for and leverage the opportunities of the new space we’re moving into.

How the stories you tell yourself keep you from love – and how to change that

How the stories you tell yourself keep you from love – and how to change that

Are the stories you tell about your experiences in dating and relationships empowering? Or do they limit you. Stories are our lifeblood as humans. Through stories we recount how things are and have been. And then use these stories, this information to form guidelines for predicting – and thus creating – our future. Learn how to create the future that you want to live in love by writing a new story for yourself. And about the recent findings in neuroscience that back it all up. For real.

How to talk about sex in a new relationship

How to talk about sex in a new relationship

If you want to have good sex – to give pleasure and receive it – you need to communicate both your own wants, needs, and desires to your partner, and to ask them what works for them as well.
The myth that someone should just be able to ‘feel into you’ and if they can hit all your spots, they must be ‘the right one’ needs to die.

How to tell if a man is emotionally available

How to tell if a man is emotionally available

If you know anything about attachment theory which offers great insight into how we love, then you’ll know that people with the Avoidant style of attachment are not emotionally available.

In fact, these so-called ‘Avoidants’ avoid emotional closeness like the plague – hence the name. And if you want an intimate relationship where you feel deep connection with the person you are with, you might want to be aware of whether he’s up for it or not.

The most important career decision you’ll ever make is who to love. Here’s why.

The most important career decision you’ll ever make is who to love. Here’s why.

Sheryl Sandberg, Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, and my mother all agree on one thing – "that the single most important career decision that a woman makes is whether she will have a life partner and who that partner is."